Sabtu, 12 November 2016
Personal Letter (Surat Pribadi) Bahasa Inggris
Favorite Tere,
How are you? I am very glad, because I know that you is coming, I have many plans to enjoy together that I am sure we will never forget. Here the snow is like the beach in Mexico,a place where you can run,climb and sky. First I want to go to eat in Argentina Restaurant, later we can go to Salt Lake to visit the Temple Square, and in the weekend we can go to the mountain and camp there,don’t worry for the cold. I going to get a sleeping’s bag couple this week,but please don’t forget to bring your lantern, Okay?
Now, I going to explain how get home. In front of the airport there is a post office, so went you are in front of it ,you can go down toward right,for five blocks,you will be in Bulldog Avenue. Turn right at the first street after the Smith’s. Then make a left turn onto Temple. My house is almost ten steps from it. My house’ number is 14. You can park your car in my garage,because I crash my car last week,so my car is at the mechanic.
Please advise if you get some trouble. See you later.
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